Hey, I’m the Artist Behind Paws n Palette!

Wondering who’s the creative brain behind all the fun stuff at Paws n Palette? Well, that would be me!

I’m Rachita, and in my daily grind, I dive deep into the world of corporate educationn. But, you know what they say about all work and no play, right? That’s where art comes in and saves my sanity!

Now, you might be thinking, “Pawsn Palette? Where are the cute paws?” Well, let me spill the beans. I’ve always had a soft spot for animals. In fact, I share my home with a lively husky and a proud German shepherd.

So, why the name “Pawsn Palette”? Well, it’s all about my passion for art. You see, I’ve got this growing fascination with art, and my walls can only hold so many paintings. That’s when I had an epiphany: why not share my creative journey with folks who appreciate it just as much?

Now, back to the paws. Wondering what’s the deal with them? Here’s the scoop: a significant chunk of the proceeds from selling my art goes straight to a shelter that holds a special place in my heart, all the way back in India. These incredible folks do amazing work, caring for animals of all shapes and sizes. They rely on donations to keep their mission alive.

So, here we are, on this colorful journey of creativity, compassion, and, yes, a hint of paws! Join me in spreading love through art, all while making a real difference in the lives of our four-legged friends. Let’s make this world a brighter and more beautiful place, one stroke at a time!